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Game of Life + Webcam + Shadertoy

Posted on:February 3, 2022 at 07:29 PM

Game of Life

this post was translated from the Original Hebrew Version with OpenAI’s GPT-3 Model, I have correted some but probably not all mistakes

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Art installations at Burns 🔥

Generally, me (and Nati) have an infinite backlog of ideas for art installations, so we thought to make a change to go for something easy to achieve: running Conway’s Game of Life.

Game of Life - The Rules

The Game of Life is a game with very few rules, and thus it is easy to implement the logic:

The game is played on a grid of cells, where each cell can be either alive or dead.

The classic implementation of counting the neighbours is with a 3x3 convolution kernel:

[[1, 1, 1],
 [1, 0, 1],
 [1, 1, 1]]

The convolution counts the amount of neighbors for each cell, and then we need to implement the rules of birth and survival, death being the default of all other cells. I really liked the simplicity of the ArrayFire implementation.


And then, of course, we started to add complexity as we shape the idea, we wanted interactivity, and started to think about a user interface using a controller / buttons, and tried to understand how would people play such a game in the field. We set a stretch goal - if we finish with the buttons, we do integration with the camera. We sat down for a few hours to program and didn’t manage to get anywhere meaningful. We found ourselves feeling a bit lost at 1AM getting nowhere.

More Luck Than Brains

Randomly as we’re hacking about, I recalled a cool tool called Shadertoy. On their platform you can create shaders (more details later) with minimal development environment, and they have seemless integrations with any kind input you’d want: cameras, microphones, clocks and more. We were so stuck with our implementation, that we just said ‘fuck it’, and bashed our heads to quickly learn on how to use GLSL.

So… wtf is a shader?

In a brief, incomplete and mostly wrong description, a two-dimensional shader is a program calculates the color of a single pixel. The shader receives inputs: (coordinates, buffers, time, etc.) and calculates the value of the single pixel. Why is this good? Because instead of writing code that calculates all the pixels one by one, we can give our GPU the ability to run the shader on all of the pixels in parallel. As long as we write the shader correctly, it doesn’t matter which pixel is processed first, and it gives us a lot of freedom, and performance advantages to our software.

In short, as soon as we get used to writing code that only deals with a single pixel at a time, we give the runtime the ability to decide for us how to do the rest correctly.

”Never bet against the compiler.” — Someone on the Internet

One Does Not Simply Integrate Images Game of Life

TL;DR - you binarize the image, and then you run the game of life on it.

Images from a webcam come in full color, and the Game of Life is black and white. To do that, we used a thersholding algorithm, each pixel in the image is now a living or dead cell.

image thresholding

def threshold(image: np.ndarray, val) -> np.ndarray:
    return image - val >= 0

Our implementation is the same as the code above, just written as a shader. And to have more more “alive” cells, we did additional processing to sharpen the image.

def gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=21, nsig=3):
    x = np.linspace(-nsig, nsig, kernel_size+1)
    kern1d = np.diff(scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x))
    kern2d = np.outer(kern1d, kern1d)
    return kern2d/kern2d.sum()

def gaussian_blur(image: np.ndarray, kernel_size) -> np.ndarray:
    kernel = gaussian_kernel(kernel_size)
    return scipy.signal.convolve2d(image, kernel, 'same')

def sharpen(image: np.ndarray, kernel_size) -> np.ndarray:
    return image - gaussian_blur(image) >= 0

What ended up with this project?

Right, right, there was some kind of art installation in all this adventure, it took us about an hour to write everything, shadertoy’s camera inegration was amazing and everything worked without a glitch. In the field, we used blink64 (my computer doing for hacking around with stuff, which might get a post of it’s own as some point), connected it to a projector and the webcam, and the setup ran for two days in the middle of the desert.

It was a lot of fun, people enjoyed it, and we were a bit proud and didn’t take any pictures in the while we were out there 🤦‍♂️ Better luck next time with remembering that.
